Don't find yourself wading through search results that induce the groan of a top-tier Dad Joke!
Ever tried to search for something and found yourself in one of two positions?
1. Lost 10 pages deep in a Google minefield of unreliable sources and irrelevant info
2. Know what you need but at a loss on what to type into the damn search field
Worry no more! For I have tips galore!
"Quotation marks"
To search for a specific word or term.
Example: "butt plugs"
Returns all search items with butt plugs only, cause I can probably guarantee how rarely you'd need to search for bath plugs.
- Dashes
Use a dash to remove the weirdo from the friend group.
Example: warehouse-packers
Because nobody wants to learn more about the Green Bay Packers #gobills
~ Tilde
Can't quite put your finger on it? Broaden your mind! Or at least the search terms anyway.
Example: intercourse ~classes
Now you'll get intercourse classes, lessons, coaching, etc.
.. Two Periods
Use two periods to search within two number ranges.
Example: adult movies 1969..1972
One of my favourites! Looking for something specific on a website and can't be assed using Ctrl + F to search each individual page?
Example: free resource
This searches for free resource mentions on my website (corekshuns dot com)
| Vertical Bar
Same purpose as OR
Example: Coke | Pepsi
Coke OR Pepsi
Find results related to a particular location.
Example: Best copy editor location:brisbane
Filter by a certain file type related to your search.
Example: How to bury a body filetype:pdf
Filters out the click bait articles and gives you PDFs prepared for ease of use.
Go forth and search!
May your copy be kick-ass,